the Hungarian Organization of the SPE Central-Europe Section 

Address: 1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3.

e-mail: info@spe.hu

President: József Gábor KOVÁCS  kovacs[at]spe.hu

Honour president: Péter Seida (seida[at]spe.hu)

Board members:

Hajnalka HARGITAI hargitai[at]spe.hu

István HATHÁZI hathazi[at]spe.hu

László HAUER hauer[at]spe.hu

Tamás KIRALY kiraly[at]spe.hu

Péter MEZO mezo[at]spe.hu

Tamás TABI tabi[at]spe.hu


International Relations


Central Europe Section

Postfach 5363 D-30053Hannover

President: Klaus-Dieter Johnke, Tel: 49 5363 813066; e-mail: e-mail: klaus-dieter.johnke@spe-ce.de

Councilor: Bernhard Peters, Tel: 49 2392 914783, e-mail: bernhard.peters@spe-ce.de


SPE Europe and Middle East office

Zonnestraat 52

9600 Ronse


P +32 498 85 07 32

Europe/Middle East Office Membership Processing/Questions

Carine Roos; +32 498 85 07 32; croos@4spe.org


Society of Plastics Engineers

SPE US Office

6 Berkshire Blvd, Suite 306

Bethel, CT 06801

United States

P   +1 203.775.0471, F   +1 203.775.8490, E-mail: info@4spe.org

http: www.4spe.org


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