SPE History: The Society of Plastics Engineers, Inc., was originally incorporated by the State of Michigan on January 6, 1942 as the Society of Plastics Sales Engineers. At the time there were 120 members in good standing. On August 21, 1942, the name was officially changed to the Society of Plastics Engineers, Inc. With increasing number of members Local Sections were chartered, and for special technical interests Divisions and Special Interest Groups were formed. SPE has become the recognized medium of communication amongst scientists and engineers engaged in the development, conversion and applications of plastics. The objective of the Society is to promote the scientific and engineering knowledge relating to plastics. SPE is truly an international Society since from its more than 10 thousands members a significant number reside outside the United States. Some milestones of transforming into International Organization:

1956: Charter of the first International Section in Japan

1972: Charter of the first European Section in Benelux Charter of the Central Europe Section incorporating Germany, Austria and Switzerland

1995: First Council Meeting outside USA in Düsseldorf approves the formation of Affiliate Sections

1995: Charter of the Hungarian Affiliate Section helped by the members of the Central European Section - first Affiliate Section in SPE The Hungarian Affiliate Section was chartered within the Central European Section with 17 members in 1995. The number of members has been increased last years, presently the Hungarian Affiliate Section counts more than 100 members. At the same time the activities have widened. The scene of our monthly meeting is the Technical University in Budapest, where subjects of interest are discussed regularly beyond personal contact. Home or foreign experts often are our guest lecturers at these meetings. As our monthly meetings help the personal contact of our members, so would we like to develop this web site to a virtual meeting point of the plastic engineers.

Present Officers of the Hungarian Affiliate Section:

President: Gábor Kovács József  kovacs[at]pt.bme.hu

Honour president: Péter Seida (seida[at]spe.hu)

Board members:

Hajnalka Hargitai  hargitai[at]sze.hu

István Hatházi  istvan.hatházi[at]gmail.com

László Hauer  hauer[at]hcl.hu

Tamás Király tamas.kiraly[at]hcl.hu

Péter Mező   peter_mezoe[at]arburg.com

Tamás Tábi  tabi[at]pt.bme.hu